Ariocarpus, Living rocks of Mexico - History, species and habitat information, field numbers etc. Everything you ever wanted to know about Ariocarpus.
Cactus Conservation Institute - The CCI is dedicated to the study and preservation of vulnerable cacti in their natural range – starting with peyote and star cactus. At their site you find information on the latest research by Martin Terry et. al.
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall - An extensive collection of links to organizations and information, including societies, clubs, nurseries, and literature.
If you are curious to learn the etymology of words like e.g. Lophophora, diffusa, and decipiens The Dictionary of Botanical Epithets is a great resource.
The International Plant Names Index (IPNI) is a database of the names and associated basic bibliographical details of seed plants, ferns and fern allies. Its goal is to eliminate the need for repeated reference to primary sources for basic bibliographic information about plant names. IPNI is the product of a collaboration between The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, The Harvard University Herbaria, and the Australian National Herbarium
Köhres' Lophophora information - A lot of habitat Lophophora photos. Ordered by state, location and species.
Ralph Martin's Field Number Database - Ever wondered what a field number like "SB 854" meant? Check it out at Ralph's cactus and succulent field number query page.
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ReplyDeleteReally big Lophophora gallery over 1300 photos
Para aquellos que estén interesados en el peyote y otras plantas sagradas pueden visitar la Sociedad de Estudios Etnobotánicos y Estados Modificados de Conciencia
ReplyDeleteFor those interested in the plants of gods and the modified states of consciousness could visit
I have a diffusa specimen that I have had for 30 years now and it is about 4 1/4" in diameter! When a friend gave it to me all those years ago, it was about 25mm in diameter. It produced four pups nearly a year ago, but they are showing signs of rot and one has already turned to mush. Is there any way to halt this disease before it gets to the parent plant, or is it already too late. I would hate to lose it after all these years. it has always been healthy snd flowers several times a year.
ReplyDeleteArrrw, that's a bad situation. If the plant is rotting the only advice I know of is to cut out the affected tissue - if the rot has spread to the roots you need to remove the plant from the soil and remove the affected roots also.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, you need a sharp knife to cut out anything that isn't firm and clean. When the cut surface appears healthy green (greenish white for the cortex) then sterilize the blade and cut off an additional sliver of tissue from the cut surface. Finally dust the wound with sulfur or some other disinfectant (I've used a concentrated food preservative containing sodium benzoate, effectively killing most yeasts, bacteria and fungi. In Europe it's sold under the brand name Atamon - I don't know if this brand is available elsewhere) and keep the plant dry and warm for several weeks until the wound callus over.
My personal success rate with this kind of treatment isn't high - probably because I'm unwilling to maim the plant and consequently don't get all the bad tissue removed, but I sincerely hope your plant survives and am interested to hear how/if the plant copes.
Probably the best Lophophora info-source on the net !Continue ,I am looking almost each week!
ReplyDeleteDIRK (Cactelders)